
Hi, my name is Christian A. Reyes, I’m eighteen years old and currently studying a bachelor degree program in filmmaking at the University of The Sacred Heart in San Juan. Actually I’m very interested in directing large productions and write stunning screenplays. My goal is not only to create my own entertainment company, but to offer the best cinematic experience in the world. With the help of my colleagues and production crew, I will lead my stories from script, to the IMAX theather.


Apart movies and personal projects, I love music, specially classic rock. I like seeing sports, but not playing it, and like any people in the world I love to eat pasta, and a final little secret, I deeply love my family, specially my little brother Kevin. However, all of this is part of my second assignment of Informatics 103, and like I already said, this blog is to talk and express critics about movies or screenplays andd of course to motivate new filmmakers to not only produce movies, but to feel the sensation of making amazing and powerful stories that makes one fly or go futher into an extraordinary experience.

– Just the Best Experience

Christian A. Reyes

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